Start Your Day with Jesus and Coffee

In our fast-paced lives, it is important to maintain balance. Work-life balance is a phrase we often hear. It describes the complicated dance between career, personal time, and family. Finding that right balance is important in maintaining our physical and mental health. But there is something missing from this equation. Do you know what it is?

That’s right. It is our spiritual health. We are more than our physical body, we also have a soul. We take care of our physical body, we also need to care for our soul. How can we do this?

Well, let’s begin with Jesus and coffee. Many of us start the day with a cup of coffee to energize our body, but how many of us start our day with Jesus to energize our soul? When we exercise ourselves physically, we cannot forget our spiritual needs. How can we exercise ourselves spiritually?

In this video, we will talk about starting our day with Jesus and coffee.

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