He is Risen!

Today, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection we have been redeemed and the door to eternal life has been opened for us. This is a time to rejoice! While we may not be able to have the large gatherings to celebrate with family and friends due to this pandemic, we still should celebrate the best we can. Watch Easter Mass on TV or the Internet, enjoy Easter dinner, call your loved ones and share the joy of this day.

You have heard the saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I believe this absence from Mass, our parish family and especially the Eucharist is making us more thirsty for the life-giving water Jesus offers us.

During this absence, we recognize that perhaps sometimes we take our faith, family, and health for granted. But now, we know what we are missing and we are ready to see the ones we love again. When we do meet again for Mass, it will seem like heaven.

You and your families are in my prayers. May God’s grace and peace be with you.

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